A not-so-run-of-the-mill PI who moonlights as a brawler, a wrestler, a gladiator amongst many other odd jobs!Though primarily a Private Investigator and Adventurer by trade, "Neko" has often had to take on the occasional odd job to make ends meet (as much as he hates to admit it, the PI gig simply does not make as much as he'd like, not to mention his penchant for collecting musty tomes and occult relics...). It is through various twist and turns that he has found himself in an underground wrestling promotion, and now he brings his analytical and deductive acumen to the ring, taking on any and all challengers in his bid to rise to the top (and to fill his perpetually empty coffers en route, of course). What was once a means to an end has become far more than merely a side gig, however. A flame was lit within this fiery red head, and now he hungers for the thrill of the fight, the matching of wits and wills... And though his victories go hand in hand with losses, his hunger to come out on top of a formidable foe is unceasing.
Strength: 8
Technical: 9
High-flying: 2
Submissions: 9
Endurance: 8
Speed: 7
Durability: 7Height: 5'7''
Weight: 185lbs
Alignment: Tweener (Face-leaning, but will swerve so hard into Heel territory if his opponent dares to play dirty with him...)Signatures and Finishers
Shamrock Ankle Lock, Liontamer, Dragon SleeperMisc. info
Neko's based off of a mix of various wrestlers, old and new, but his primary inspiration is Ken Shamrock! He also has inklings of Zack Sabre Jr, with the technical prowess of Daniel Bryan.His style involves a very targeted assault on a particular body part, breaking it down, and making his opponents submit. He enjoys a good contest, but has a tendency of getting very fired up and 'snapping', which may be a good or bad thing depending on his foe and how the match goes.He is extremely fond of submission holds, and nothing gets his blood running like being a dominant force, wearing down a stubborn foe and finally getting them to break... On the flip side, facing a formidable foe sparks a hunger for victory within him; the stronger the foe, the greater his determination to overcome them. He is not fond of dirty tactics, but if push comes to shove, and if his mean streak is brought to the fore, there is little that will stop him from making the most of a situation.Ultimately however, it is the thrill of battle and the enjoyment that accompanies a passionate contest that he enjoys the most, and while he will fight his darndest to win, he knows all too well that losses and victory go hand in hand.